Editorial Note

Heavy Seneca: his Influence on Shakespeare's Tragedies

Brian Arkins (1-16)

The Greeks and Anthropology

Paul Cartledge (17-28)

Herodotus Readings

Peter Derow (29-51)

Classical Allusions in Seamus Heaney's The Haw Lantern

John Dillon (52-66)

The Professional Careers: Women Pioneers and Male Image Seduction

Rachel Finnegan (67-81)

The Royal Irish Academy Library

G.L. Huxley (82-87)

Daily Life in Ancient Rome

John Madden (88-93)

Caesar Lives

Ivan Nesterenko (94-96)

The Latter Days of a Love Poet: Ovid in Exile

John Richmond (97-120)

Digs and Degrees: Jessie Crum's Tour of Greece, Easter 1901

Christopher Stray (https://trava55.ru/cvety-i-bukety/1001-roza)

Roman Basilicas

C.V. Walthew (133-49)


The numbers in brackets after the author's name are the page references for the printed version of Classics Ireland.

ISSN 0791-9417

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