Editorial Note
Journey's End - winning short story Jason Bolton (1-8)
The Classics at the Wake: some aspects of classical influence in Joyce's Finnegan's Wake John Dillon (9-29)
On the annexation of provinces to the Roman Empire Philip Freeman (30-47)
Herodotus and the English Patient Thomas Harrison https://florafox.com/ru/moskva-43
The Shavian Murray and the Euripidean Shaw: Major Barbara and the Bacchae Fiona Macintosh (64-84)
Poets, Politicians and Perverts Ian Storey (85-134)
Book Reviews
- J. Madden, Macedonius Consul
Graham Anderson (135-7)
- V. Rudich, Dissidence and Literature under Nero
Brian Arkins (138-40)
- B. Kennelly, Sophocles' Antigone
Douglas Cairns (141-6)
- K. Arafat, Pausanias' Greece
Andrew Erskine (147-9)
- R. Hawley and B. Levick (ed.), Women in Antiquity
Mary Harlow(150-52)
- A. Higham, Diocletian
- R. Beacham, The Roman Theatre, J.R. Green Theatre in Ancient Greek Society
Keith Sidwell (158-60)
- Suzanne MacAlister, Dreams and Suicides
Jonathan Walters (161-4)
- J.Shay, Achilles in Vietnam, J. Latacz, Homer: his art and his world
Hans van Wees(165-9)
The numbers in brackets after the author's name are the page references for the printed version of Classics Ireland.
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