Athens no longer dies: Greek and Roman themes in MacNeice Brian Arkins
Evelyn Waugh, Helena and the True Cross Jan Willem Drijvers
Zeno and the beginning of Stoicism Andrew Erskine
Plato in Wonderland August A. Imholtz Jr.
Nero's Helpers Marc Kleijwegt
Myth under Construction Carmel McCallum-Barry
Book Reviews
Editorial Note
The millenium seems a good time to hand over to someone else. I am going to abuse my position as editor to thank all the contributors to the seven volumes of Classics Ireland. I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Smith and the Classical Association of Ireland for allowing me to edit this. I have had enormous fun, writing fan mail to people I admire on the pretext of asking them to write for us, (to my surprise and delight some of them took me seriously), and for allowing me complete freedom in choosing the colours of the covers (some choices more successful than others), and for not complaining about my running heads (creating these was my favourite task). I must also thank Andrew Erskine who, despite the utmost provocation has not yet murdered me, and who is responsible for putting this on the web. I would also like to thank anyone who has ever been encouraging (even vaguely) about this enterprise. Please send contributions to Professor Smith at the address below. Ideally articles should not be more than 5,000 words and book reviews not more than 800 words unless agreed otherwise. Please do keep writing!
Theresa Urbainczyk
Dept of Classics University College Belfield Dublin 4 Republic of Ireland
ISSN 0791-9417
Classics Ireland
Volume 7
Editor: Theresa Urbainczyk
Classics Ireland is the journal of the Classical Association of Ireland.
COPYRIGHT: all material published in Classics Ireland is copyright. Responsibility for, and ownership of, copyright remains with the author of each article.
Please see back cover for information on subscriptions. Potential contributors are referred to the Editorial Note.
Typing: Carine O'Grady
Cover design: David Erskine
The Classical Association of Ireland
The Classical Association is for anyone with an interest in the ancient world and its aim is to provide lectures, field trips and social events so that people can cultivate this interest. It produces a Newsletter three times a year as well as this annual journal. Members have free admission to events arranged by their local branch and are given priority for special events such as summer schools and classical tours.
Further information about membership can be obtained from:
Professor Andrew Smith Dept of Classics University College Dublin 4 Republic of Ireland E-mail:
The printed version of this journal is 5 to non-members. To order please write to Professor Smith at the address above.