Editorial Note

Sir George Cockburn: an Irish Traveller and Collector

Raymond Astbury (1-17)

The Bones of St. Peter?

John Curran (18-46)

Brothels, Baths and Babes: Prostitution in the Byzantine Holy Land

Claudine Dauphin (47-72)

Laser-Quests: unnoticed allusions to contraception in a poet and a princeps?

Nick Fisher (73-97)

A Modest Proposal for Education in Ireland

D.R. Howlett (97-108)

Slaves in the Roman Empire: numbers and origins

John Madden (109-28)

Seamus Heaney's Cure at Troy

Marianne McDonald (129-40)

George Thomson

Seán O Lúing (141-62)

Orpheus Reborn: Gottfried Benn's Orpheus' Death

Hugh Ridley (163-81)

The Politics of Aeschylus' Eumenides

Keith Sidwell (182-203)

Book Reviews

M. Dillon and L. Garland, Ancient Greece

reviewed by Antony Keen (204-08)

Fiona Macintosh, Dying Acts

reviewed by Michael Lloyd (208-15)

Ray Laurence, Roman Pompeii

reviewed by C.V. Walthew (216-21)


The numbers in brackets after the author's name are the page references for the printed version of Classics Ireland.

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