Poetry as equipment for living
Andrew Becker

Plagues in Classical Literature
Rachel Finnegan

On the dietary habits of the Roman Empire
Veronika Grimm

Ireland's Greatest Virgilian
J. A. Richmond

E. R. Dodds: The Dublin Years
Robert B. Todd, with 'The Recovery of the Classics' E. R. Dodds and 'The Renaissance of Occultism' E. R. Dodds

Book Reviews

Editorial Note

At the end of the millenium, our concerns would seem to be disease, food and Virgil. It is a great pleasure to include articles on two Irish classical scholars, James Henry and E. R. Dodds. I was going to write 'It is a common conception that classicists are mindless conservatives and it is certainly difficult to argue with this when one reads Dodds' criticism of the way classics is taught' but then I realised that mindless conservatives would hardly be reading Classics Ireland so I will keep that jibe to myself. We are very grateful to the Literary Executors of Dodds' estate for allowing us to reprint two of his articles.

As this is my penultimate year as editor, please send contributions to Classics Ireland, and applications to be the next editor, to Professor Smith at the address below. Articles should not be more than 5,000 words and book reviews not more than 800 words unless agreed otherwise. All contributions are sent out to readers before a decision to publish. Please do keep writing!

Theresa Urbainczyk

Dept of Classics
University College
Dublin 4
Republic of Ireland 

Classics Ireland 1999
Volume 6
Editor: Theresa Urbainczyk

ISSN 0791-9417

Classics Ireland is the journal of the Classical Association of Ireland.

COPYRIGHT: all material published in Classics Ireland is copyright. Responsibility for, and ownership of,
copyright remains with the author of each article.

Typing: Carine O'Grady

Cover design: David Erskine

The Classical Association of Ireland

The Classical Association is for anyone with an interest in the ancient world and its aim is to provide lectures, field trips and social events so that people can cultivate this interest. It produces a Newsletter three times a year as well as this annual journal. Members have free admission to events arranged by their local branch and are given priority for special events such as summer schools and classical tours.

President for 1999 Nuala O'Faolain

Further information about membership can be obtained from:

Professor Andrew Smith
Dept of Classics
University College
Dublin 4
Republic of Ireland
E-mail: andrew.smith@ucd.ie

The printed version of this journal is £5 to non-members. To order please write to Professor Smith at the address above. 

COPYRIGHT: All material published in Classics Ireland is copyright. Responsibility for, and ownership of, copyright remains with the author of each article.
© Classical Association of Ireland
www.classicalassociation.com : www.classicsireland.com